
Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Summer so Far

My summer has been a lot of work so far. A lot of unnecessary work. However a few unexpected benefits grew out of them.
First problem was a tiny drip from a sprinkler valve added up overnight to flood Samuel's room in the basement, most of my office and part of the hall and Elizabeth's office. After cleaning up and moving most of the stuff ourselves, we had Utah Disaster Kleenup come and help us finish and with their equipment got everything dried out. We then cashed out on the repairs and I was able to replace the pad for the carpets myself.
We then discussed what to do with the rest. After looking at several options we decided we could replace the carpet in my office instead of laying new pad. We found a good style of vinyl tile and I commenced laying it. After two days and one of them being about fifteen hours on a Saturday, we got it all laid. Knowing the office wasn't perfectly square, I laid it on an angle that though it was not perfectly 45 degrees, was sufficient to look very good.
We also determined that we had enough to lay laminate flooring in our living room and hall upstairs. However, not having enough room to store the furniture out of the rooms we had to move it all to one side and replace a section at a time, three sections at a time. As of this writing, I have complete the first two sections and cleared most of the floor and the hall for the third section. There is still much to do and as soon as it is finished, I don't plan on doing any more projects till it is done. When it is done, I have a lot of maintenance things to get caught up on.
I haven't done anything on the floor for a couple of days but need to finish. The hallway is not so daunting as it would seem but it is a lot of work for such small floor space. It just won't seem like I am getting very far very fast till it gets done.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Amen! I'll be glad when it's done and I can have my living room back. Thanks for all the hard work you do around here. I really appreciate it.